The ITE Board of Direction approved a draft of the ITE Strategic Plan for 2024-2026 during the August Board Meeting in Portland, OR, USA, and the final version during the October Board Meeting in Washington, DC, USA. I would like to thank ITE Past President Alyssa Rodriguez, P.E, PTOE (F) for leading the Steering Committee on this important effort and the many ITE leaders and ITE staff that were part of the Committee.
The Committee started by evaluating ITE’s Mission, Vision, and Value Statements which provide a clear direction of ITE’s future goals and direction. The Mission statement was shortened, and Equity was added to the Value Statement of Diversity and Inclusion.
The 2024-2026 ITE Strategic Plan maintains three focus areas:
- Membership, Technical Knowledge, and Organization Excellence. Under each focus area, there are goals and strategies that will guide the ITE Board, Councils, Committees, and ITE Staff in continuing to grow, broaden our membership, and enhance membership value.
- Membership: ITE will continue to focus on broadening its membership and provide more transportation-focused leadership training opportunities to our members. ITE will also focus on enhancing the experience of the ITE Global District members.
- Technical Knowledge: ITE will continue to lead transportation in core and emerging practices including publicizing global best practices.
- Organizational Excellence: ITE will utilize the name ITE—A Community of Transportation Professionals consistently throughout the organization and will take a position on safety by building and strengthening partnerships. More information on the ITE 2024-2026 Strategic Plan can be found starting on page 40.
This month we are also welcoming ITE’s new Executive Director and CEO Steve Kuciemba (F). Steve joined ITE as Deputy Executive Director and Chief Technical Officer in October 2022. Steve has been a member of ITE for many years and was involved in ITE Councils (including a leadership role) before joining the ITE staff. Steve brings more than 35 years of experience in the transportation field across public and private sectors and non-profit organizations. Steve will continue to build on Jeff’s legacy, and
I’m excited to see where he takes ITE in the next few years. I would like to thank 2018 ITE President Michael Sanderson, P.E., PTOE, LEED AP (F) for leading the CEO Search Committee, and the Committee members: ITE Vice President John Davis, P.E., PTOE (F), ITE Vice President-Elect Karen Aspelin P.E., PTOE (F); ITE Canada International Director Edward Soldo, P.Eng. (F); ITE Industry Council Chair Daniel Shihundu, P.Eng, MBA, and LeadershipITE Vice Chair Anamaria Torres, P.E., PTOE (M). I appreciate your commitment, time, and effort serving on the Search Committee.
I can’t believe the year is almost over and this my second to last message to you as ITE International President. Last month I completed my visits to the ITE Districts, and it’s great to see the membership engagement, the diverse range of topics covered throughout the meetings, and participation in the unique events that makes each District special and unique.
If you have any ideas or suggestions on how we can improve ITE, please reach me by e-mail at or on the ITE e-Community.