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ITE Resource Center at the ITE 2013 Annual Meeting and Exhibit

By Mr. Zach Pleasant posted 07-31-2013 04:31 PM

Once again I'll be manning the ITE Resource Center Booth (102) in the exhibit hall at the ITE 2013 Annual Meeting and Exhibit in Boston, MA.  Stop by to discuss ITE Community, social networking, TPCB, publications, upcoming meetings and provide feedback.  It's always great to put faces to names and meet new members.  Stop by and say hi!

I'll also be speaking at the Aged Out of Twitter? Think Again Workshop.  I'll explain how ITE is using Twitter and help people get set up with this networking tool.  It will be an interactive workshop, so bring your smartphone.

If you're already on Twitter, use #ITE2013AM when discussing events at the meeting.

See you in Boston!

#AnnualMeeting #Networking #ITECommunity
