
ITE Membership Survey: Complete for Your Chance at One of Twenty Prizes

By Mr. Zach Pleasant posted 06-19-2013 09:00 AM


Recently you received an email containing a link to an ITE Membership Survey. ITE values your opinion, so to be successful in this effort, we need your help.

Everyone who completes this survey on or before July 2, 2013, will be entered into a drawing for one of twenty prizes (iPad, iPad Mini, (2) iPod Touch, (2) 2013 ITE Annual Meeting registration vouchers, (4) $250 check, (10) $100 ITE service coupons.)

The time that it takes to complete the survey will depend on the number of questions for which you qualify.  However, it is not necessary to complete this survey at one sitting.  If you choose to return to the survey later, or accidentally get disconnected, clicking on the emailed link will return you to the survey where you left off with no loss of data.

All responses will be sent directly to Association Metrics, the association research firm that is conducting the study.  ITE will only see the responses in aggregate.

If you experience any technical difficulties completing the survey, please contact Larry Seibert at Association Metrics (

Please do not forward the survey to anyone else, as each link is unique. 

Thank you for your participation.

