
Where Will You Be March 9-12, 2014?

By Ms. Pamela Goodell posted 02-04-2014 10:47 AM


Answer:  At the ITE 2014 Technical Conference and Exhibit in Miami, FL.

If you have not already done so, register now to attend this upcoming conference and join more than 300  transportation professionals as they convene in Miami to delve into the critical topics facing the industry today.

The theme of this year's conference - Applying Innovation and Technology to Transportation - and the Miami location provide attendees with a special learning laboratory to discuss and experience first-hand the shared challenges transportation professionals are facing today and how they are preparing for tomorrow. Here are just a few things you will experience:

  • Learn from more than 20 technical sessions. Hear first-hand about Achieving a Bicycle-Friendly Designation for Your City, New Approaches to Managing Transportation Demand, the Latest in Transit ITS Applications, State of the Art Traffic Signal Information Systems, and much more. The ITE Technical Conference website is a great resource for session topics and speakers.
  • Get the inside track on Google's Self-Driving Car from Google's principal software engineer, Andrew Chatham
  • Have the opportunity to "Get Out-and-Experience" with a technical tour. Take a bike tour of Miami, get a view of the Port of Miami Tunnel Project or visit the SunGuide Transportation Management Center.
  • Bolster your learning perspective by visiting the ITE Exhibit Hall. Vendors will showcase their latest technology, products and services that you need to continue building vibrant communities.

    Plus - the ITE Technical Conference and Exhibit provides attendees with the opportunity to earn between 15-33.5 PDHS/1.5-3.4 IACET CEUs  - more than an entire year's requirement, for many professional licensing and certification renewals - in just 4 days!

Register by February 13 to take advantage of the lowest possible registration rates.

I look forward to seeing you in Miami!

