
Transportation Professionals Taking the Plunge into Social Media

By Nicola Tavares posted 04-23-2014 04:46 PM


According to Joanna Kervin, Director, Third Part, Planning and Property of Toronto Transit Commission (TTC), the use of social media doesn’t happen in a vacuum. Messages and the approach to engaging in social media must align with your organization’s overall strategic plan. In the TTC’s case, it’s about being open, transparent, and accountable. The senior leadership at the TTC embraced this approach to its public communications and have received kudos for how they engage with the public.

Joanna Kervin, who is responsible for strategic communications and the direct liaison with elected officials, senior federal, provincial, and municipal staff and key stakeholders, will share lessons learned on benefits—expected and unexpected—
of the TTC taking the plunge into social media.

Join ITE International President Hibbett Neel Jr., P.E. and Joanna Kervin on April 30th from 3:00-4:30 p.m. Eastern for the webinar Taking the Plunge into Social Media for Your Next Transportation Project, which is hosted by the new ITE Advocacy Committee.

This webinar is free for ITE Members, and there is a nominal charge for non-members.

Click here to register

Read about other ITE members and chapters gaining impressive results using social media in this ITE Journal article: Transportation Professionals and Social Media: Taking the Plunge
1 comment



Thank you Nicola for your work from ITE HQ on this, President Hibbett Neel for the introduction to the Advocacy Committee and this network, and to Joanna Kervin and her staff, for the fine job creating and presenting this very useful Webinar for our members!
We found it very useful here at the City of Santa Ana! Appreciated--Monica