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Notice of Intent to Adopt the ELMS Standard v03.37b

By Nicola Tavares posted 05-17-2022 02:59 PM


NTCIP 1213 Electrical Lighting and Management Systems (ELMS) Standard v03.37b


On April 25, 2022, ELMS Standard v03 was accepted as a Recommended Standard by the NTCIP Joint Committee (JC). The JC is made up of representatives of the American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials (AASHTO), the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), and the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA).


Effective date of the standard:

The effective date when this “Notice of Intent to Adopt” is deemed complete as of June 21, 2022 close of business, if no appeal is received. The next and final step to adopt the standard is obtaining the approval of the ITE International Board of Direction. Under the terms of the MOU for ITS standards, the standard development process is deemed complete for this standard, once AASHTO. ITE and NEMA have individually approved the standard.


►     The deadline to appeal the adoption of this standard as an ITE standard isJune 21, 2022  close of business.


How to view the draft standard:

Between now and June 21, 2021, ELMS Standard v03 and the Standards Development Report are available on the ITE website ITS Standards - Institute of Transportation Engineers (

If no appeal is received:

The ITE International Board of Direction (IBOD) will ballot the standard and once approved by the IBOD, then the standard is deemed an ITE approved standard. It will be available for a no-cost free download for a period of at least one year.

How to file an appeal:

If you wish to appeal the adoption of the ELMS Standard v03, submit an appeal by close of business June 21, 2022 to:


ITE Headquarters

Attn: Siva Narla


The appeal must state the nature of the objection(s) including any adverse effects, the step(s) of the ITE procedures or the section(s) of the standard that are at issue, and the specific remedial action(s) that would satisfy the appellant's concerns. Any previous efforts to resolve the objection(s) and the outcome of each must also be noted.

If an appeal is received by ITE:

ITE Headquarters will work with the NTCIP Joint Committee to develop a response. Within 30 days after receipt of the appeal, ITE Headquarters will respond in writing to the appellant, specifically addressing each issue raised in the appeal to the extent possible. If an appeal is not able to be resolved informally in a manner consistent with the ITE procedures, ITE Headquarters will initiate the process for the appointment of an Appeals Panel and will schedule a hearing.

If the timeframe for the above actions will extend beyond June 21, 2022 another notice will be provided announcing a delay in the anticipated date of adoption by ITE.

