So Unsafe, It Seems Safe: Reassessing Safety Via Perceived Risk

When:  Jul 10, 2018 from 03:00 PM to 04:30 PM (ET)
Associated with  All Member Forum
Traffic safety is a primary barrier for folks who wish to walk or bike. The traditional approach to combating such traffic safety issues consists of looking for crashes, injuries, or fatalities. However, that is a reactive approach, only accounting for the folks that are already walking or biking and the places that they are doing so. How would we account for people that have determined that the system is too unsafe to use in the first place? How would we identify the places where trips are suppressed – precisely because they are so unsafe – before they occur?

By using safety perceptions and suppressed trips, this webinar will explore ways of identifying such people and places. Two case studies examine children in Denver, Colorado and California. Instead of the traditional reactive approach of reducing crashes, the goal of this webinar is to develop a proactive method of enabling as many people to safely walk and bike as possible.
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Courtney Day
(202) 785-0060