
PTOE Certification Exam Preparation

By Ms. Pamela Goodell posted 02-02-2015 03:08 PM


If you are sitting for the PTOE exam in February or later this year, ITE offers two important resources to aid in your preparation:

PTOE Practice Exam: This practice test consists of 25 randomly pulled multiple-choice questions from a question bank based on the exam subject domains.

PTOE Refresher Online Series: This suite of five 90-minute learning modules provides an overview of topics, key references, and independent study materials. Modules include traffic engineering studies, traffic operations analysis, operational effects of geometric design, traffic safety, and traffic control devices. (Note: this review course is not keyed specifically to the exam questions and the course is independent of the Transportation Professional Certification Board)

For more information, click on the links provided or visit the ITE Learning Hub


