
ITE Technical Tour Meets with NZ Associate Transport Minister Craig Foss

By Mr. Donald McKenzie P.E posted 10-04-2015 04:33 AM


It was a great honour and priviledge to represent all ITE members when the ITE Technical Tour Group representaives President John Kennedy, Past President Hibbett Neel, Chief Executive Tom Brahms and International District Director Don McKenzie met with New Zealand's Associate Transport Minister Rt. Hon.Craig Foss during the NZ leg of the 2015 President's Study Tour.

After attending a technical briefing with the NZ Ministry of Transport discussing matters ranging from Intelligent Transport Systems, to transport system funding, to the future of electric and driver-less vehicles here and on the international stage, the group walked down Wellington's The Terrace to the NZ Government buildings, The Beehive (named for the shape of the building), to meet with Minister Foss.  The ITE Tour Group were particularly impressed by the range of knowledge that the Minister had and was able to give to the in-depth discussion held. 

During Hibbett's presidential year in 2014, ITE's role in public advocacy was strongly promoted and is now front and centre with the ITE Advocacy Committee.

One of the parting comments and observations made by the tour during our meeting and discussion with the Minister, was that each ITE member (and for that matter all others in the transportation profession) is that each and every dollar spent either in planning, design, construction or maintenance has been entrusted to us by tax payers, government agencies or even private investment funders within 3P schemes and that it is our professional and ethical responsibility to spend it wisely not only to achieve economic efficiency but also to respect our community and the environment.

Thanks to NZ Ministry of Transport and Associate Minister Craig Foss.

