
ITE Australia New Zealand - Sustainable Transport Award 2014 Announced

By Mr. Donald McKenzie P.E posted 02-15-2015 02:35 AM


In 2013, the ITEANZ created an award to recognise an individual or organisation that had made a significant contribution to sustainable transportation within the ITEANZ Section (Australia and New Zealand) through either research, strategy, programme, project or advocacy and which encourages, promotes or provides facilities for sustainable transport.

The winner of the 2014 award for Sustainable Transport was the City of Boroondara’s Principle Pedestrian Network Demonstration Project for Camberwell, Melbourne, Australia. The  project’s aim was to deliver infrastructure and behaviour initiatives that would have a measurable impact on walking participation and a reduction in car use. To do this, the programme incorporated GIS modelling, questionnaire surveys, pedestrian counts and corridor audits, to inform the selection and treatment of two walking corridors.

Overall, the pedestrian counts have indicated a clear and astounding increase in pedestrian activity following the delivery of infrastructure and a behaviour change initiatives. The project showed a large cost benefit to the community already, and will continue to for the basis for sustainable transport infrastructure investment into the future.

Congratulation to the City of Boroondara.

